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Integration Approaches

For publishers integrating EUID into their workflows, or advertisers integrating EUID support, there are three broad integration approaches. EUID integrations can be implemented entirely on the client side, entirely on the server side, or partially on the client side and partially on the server side (client-server).

For details, see:

Client-Side Integration

In a client-side integration, EUID tokens are generated and refreshed on the client side.

For example:

  • Publishers generate EUID tokens on the client side for bidstream use, as well as refreshing the tokens.
  • Advertisers generate EUID tokens on the client side for tracking pixels.

Examples of documentation for publisher client-side integrations:

Advertisers integrating on the client side can use the JavaScript SDK:

Client-Side Integration: Security Values

If you choose a client-side integration, you'll get a client keypair consisting of two values that identify you to the EUID servers: Subscription ID and Public Key.

For details, see Subscription ID and Public Key.

For added security, you'll need to provide a list of your top-level domains or apps. For details, see:

Client-Server Integration

In a client-server integration, some integration steps are implemented on the client side and others on the server side.

For example, in a client-server integration for a publisher, the EUID token is generated on the server side and refreshed on the client side.

Examples of documentation for publisher client-server integrations:

Client-Server Integration: Credentials

If you choose a client-server integration, you'll need to have an API key and client secret, values that you must store securely.


Do not embed the credentials in a web page or anywhere else that they could be compromised. Store them securely on your server.

For details, see API Key and Client Secret.

Server-Side Integration

You can choose to integrate entirely on the server side.

In a server-side integration, raw EUIDs or EUID tokens are generated and refreshed on the server.

For example, in a server-side integration:

  • Publishers generate EUID tokens on the server side for bidstream use.
  • Advertisers generate raw EUIDs on the server side to be delivered for audience targeting.

An example of documentation for publisher server-side integration is Publisher Integration Guide, Server-Side.

Server-Side Integration: Credentials

If you choose a client-side integration, you'll need to have an API key and client secret, values that you must store securely.


Do not embed the credentials in a web page or anywhere else that they could be compromised. Store them securely on your server.

For details, see API Key and Client Secret.