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Documentation Updates

Check out the latest updates to our EUID documentation resources.

New: Private Operator Integrations Page

September 13, 2024

We've added a new page with information about Private Operator integrations.

For details, see EUID Private Operator Integration Overview.

New: Tokens Page

September 12, 2024

We've added a new reference page with information about tokens.

For details, see EUID Tokens and Refresh Tokens.

New: Google Ad Manager Secure Signals Integration Guide

September 11, 2024

We've added a guide with integration steps for publishers using EUID with the Google Ad Manager secure signals feature.

For details, see Google Ad Manager Secure Signals Integration Guide.

New: iOS SDK Guide

August 29, 2024

A new guide for publishers that provides information about the SDK for iOS, an SDK that facilitates the process of establishing client identity using EUID and retrieving EUID tokens for publishers who need to support iOS apps.

For details, see SDK for iOS Reference Guide.

New: Server-Side Token Generation Page

July 26, 2024

We've added a new reference page with information for publishers generating the EUID token on the server side.

For details, see Server-Side Token Generation.

New: Integration Approaches Page

July 25, 2024

We've added a new page with information about the different integration approaches: client-side, client-server, and server-side.

For details, see Integration Approaches.

New: Opt-Out API

May 24, 2024

We added documentation for a new API call that checks the opt-out status of raw EUIDs.

Given a list of raw EUIDs, this endpoint returns the raw EUIDs that have opted out, as well as the time that the opt-out took place.

For details, see POST /optout/status.

EUID Documentation Website Release

April 8, 2024

On 8 April 2024, this documentation website was released!