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SDK for iOS Reference Guide

You can use the SDK for iOS for the following:

  • Generating or establishing client identity using EUID.
  • Retrieving advertising tokens for bidstream use.
  • Automatically refreshing EUID tokens.

The following iOS-related plugins, and associated documentation, are also available:

To use the Google Mobile Ads (GMA) SDK to send EUID tokens as secure signals in ad requests from iOS/tvOS appsEUID GMA Plugin for iOS Integration Guide
To use the Google Interactive Media Ads SDK for iOS to send EUID tokens as secure signals in ad requests from iOS/tvOS appsEUID IMA Plugin for iOS Integration Guide

tvOS Support

Although this page refers to SDK for iOS, this SDK also supports tvOS. For the required tvOS version, see Minimum Requirements.


This SDK simplifies integration with EUID for any publishers who want to support EUID for apps running on iOS devices. The following table shows the functions it supports.

Encrypt Raw EUID to EUID TokenDecrypt EUID Token to Raw EUIDGenerate EUID Token from Personal DataRefresh EUID TokenMap Personal Data to Raw EUID

The SDK for iOS is designed to generate and/or manage EUID identity on behalf of iOS apps. It enables EUID identity to be persisted across app lifecycles by securely storing the identity on a device via platform-native encryption tools.

By default, the SDK automatically refreshes EUID identity based on expiration dates. However, you can disable this to allow implementing apps to manage the EUID identity lifecycle manually.

API Permissions

To use this SDK, you'll need to complete the EUID account setup by following the steps described in the Account Setup page. You'll be granted permission to use specific functions offered by the SDK, and given credentials for that access.

SDK Version

This documentation is for the SDK for iOS version 1.7.0 or later.

For current and past release notes information, see

GitHub Open-Source Repository

This SDK is in the following open-source GitHub repository:

Minimum Requirements

Minimum requirements for this SDK are as follows:

  • Xcode version: 15.0+
  • iOS minimum target version:
    • For full functionality: 13.0+
    • For partial functionality: 12.0+. The app with the SDK integrated can be installed with all devices, but generating or retrieving UID2 tokens on the client side will not work with devices running iOS versions below 13.0.
  • tvOS minimum target version: 13.0+
  • Swift version: 5.0+


Install the iOS SDK via Swift Package Manager (SPM) or CocoaPods. There are three installation options:

Installing with Package.swift

Add the following dependency to Package.swift:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.7.0"),

Installing with Xcode

In the XCode user interface, under Package Dependencies, add the following entry for your apps:

NameLocationDependency Rule to next major version: 1.7.0 < 2.0.0

Installing with CocoaPods

Add the following entry in your Podfile:

pod 'UID2', '~> 1.7'

Usage Guidelines

The EUIDManager singleton is the primary developer API for the SDK for iOS. It is responsible for storing, refreshing, and retrieving the EUID Identity including the EUID token.

For iOS, the EUIDManager is initialized automatically the first time it is accessed. You can configure it to support automatic or manual refresh capabilities.

There are two ways to establish an initial EUID Identity:

  1. Generate the EUID identity using personal data—email (hashed or unhashed). For integration instructions, see Client-Side Integration Guide for Mobile.

  2. Create an EUID identity from your server's back end and then pass it to the EUID SDK. For integration instructions, see Client-Side Integration Guide for Mobile.

The EUID Mobile SDKs can perform refreshes of EUID identities, after an Identity is established. This is because the refresh functionality relies on the refresh tokens that are part of the EUID Identity.

Code Samples

The following code samples provide examples of performing specific activities relating to managing EUID with the SDK for iOS.

Generate an initial EUID Identity (for instructions, see Client-Side Integration Guide for Mobile):

_ identity: IdentityType,
subscriptionID: String,
serverPublicKey: String,
appName: String? = nil

Set the Initial EUID Identity (for instructions, see Client-Side Integration Guide for Mobile):

EUIDManager.shared.setIdentity(_ identity: UID2Identity)

Get the EUID token (advertising token) to pass to the Advertising SDK (for ad request or bidstream use):



This section includes the functions and variables that are part of the EUIDManager API.


The following functions are available as part of the EUIDManager API:


Generate an EUID Identity using personal data. For details, see Configure the EUID Mobile SDK in the Client-Server Integration Guide for Mobile.


Sets an EUID Identity, created server-side, to be managed by the SDK. For details, see Configure the EUID Mobile SDK in the Client-Server Integration Guide for Mobile.


Resets or removes the EUID Identity currently being managed by the SDK.


Manually refreshes the EUID Identity being managed by the SDK.


If the current EUID Identity is valid, this function returns the EUID token (advertising token).


Toggle for automatic refresh functionality.


The following variables are available as part of the EUIDManager API:


The Identity variable stores and returns the current UID2Identity data object being managed by the SDK.


The identityStatus variable stores and returns the status of the current EUID Identity being managed by the SDK.