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EUID GMA Plugin for iOS Integration Guide

The EUID Google Mobile Ads (GMA) Plugin for iOS enables publishers that use the Google Mobile Ads (GMA) SDK to send EUID tokens as secure signals in ad requests from iOS apps. This is done automatically, with no direct coding needed from the app developer.


This plugin simplifies integration with Google Mobile Ads (GMA) for any publishers who want to support EUID for apps running on iOS devices.


This documentation is for the EUID GMA Plugin for iOS version 1.0.0 or later.

GitHub Repository

This plugin is in the following open-source GitHub repository:


To run this plugin, install the following:

  1. Google Mobile Ads SDK v10.7.0 or later:
  2. SDK for iOS v1.7.0 or later:
  3. EUID GMA Plugin for iOS v1.0.0


Prerequisite: Install the Google Mobile Ads SDK and the SDK for iOS.

Install the EUID iOS GMA Plugin via Swift Package Manager or CocoaPods to an existing app with the SDK for iOS and the Google Mobile Ads SDK installed.

There are three installation options:

Installing with Package.swift

Add the following dependency to Package.swift:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", exact: "1.0.0")

Installing with Xcode

In the XCode user interface, under Package Dependencies, add the following entry for your apps:

NameLocationDependency Rule Version: 1.0.0

Installing with CocoaPods

Add the following entry in your Podfile:

pod 'UID2GMAPlugin', '1.0.0'